Analysis of existing approaches to the formation of functional security profiles


  • Ostapets D.
  • Sukhomlyn O.



functional security profile, information security, automated system, intelligent methods, expert system.


The work examines existing methods for forming functional security profiles (FSP) for information protection systems. The purpose of the work is to analyze approaches to deter-mining FSP when designing information protection systems based on their comparative char-acteristics. Solved tasks: formation of requirements for the characteristics of approaches and methods for determining the FSP, analysis of existing approaches and methods for determin-ing the FSP and their comparative characteristics. The authors explore the key characteris-tics of various methodologies, such as time consumption, complexity, the influence of expert qualification, and the possibility of creating non-standard profiles. The work compares the advantages and limitations of existing methods. The research shows that all methodologies require significant time and are dependent on the qualifications of specialists. At the same time, most methods support the development of non-standard profiles, allowing them to be adapted to specific information security requirements. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the use of automated systems based on intelligent methods is necessary to improve the efficiency and accuracy of FSP formation. Thus, the work makes a significant contribution to the field of information security research, providing practical recommendations for improv-ing methodologies for forming FSP in the context of increasing threats in the information technology sphere.


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