Use of aluminum nitride ceramic plates to ensure the temperature stability of measurement amplifiers


  • Dovhal A.V.



nitride aluminates; ceramic boards; temperature stability; amplifiers; yttrium oxide; aluminum oxide; thermal conductivity; high voltage amplifier.


Analysis of recent research and publications. The outlined scientific issues are pre-sented from different angles in the works of many modern scholars. For example, the peculi-arities of the production of ceramic boards made of aluminum nitride and the possibilities of their use in various devices are presented in the articles of such researchers as J. Raueneker , G. Okada. Raucheneker, T. Konegger, H. Okada, K. Fukuda, S. Kasap, T. Yanagida, M. Signor, G. Reschio, C. DePasquale, V. Iacovacci, P. Dario, A. Leone, F. Quaranta, L. Francioso. The main dynamic physical and chemical properties, in particular, the thermal conduc-tivity parameters of crystal lines, thin (thick) films and ceramic boards of the AIN type, as well as the possibilities of their application in various fields of electronics production, are covered in the works of the following scientists: Y. Tuz, O. Kozyr, A. Porhun, Y. Chen, H. Song, D. Li, X. Sun, H. Jiang, G. Miao, Y. Zhou, Z. Cheng, Y. Ko, A. Mamun, T. Bai K. Hein L. Yates S. Graham, N. Kim, M. Yarali, M. Moradnya, M. Aqib, S. Liao, F. Al-Qatar M. Nong, J. Rhee, Y. Ko, Z. Cheng A. Mamun, Z. Liu T. Bai, K. Hussein, P. Hopkins, M. Neger, M. Herman, O. Fabrishna, D. Pavlyuchkov, H. Seifert, S. Pandit, M. Schneider, S. Berger, S. Schwartz, U. Schmid, H. Shi, W. Li, W. Kao, Y. Chuang, R. Lin, H. Lin, M. Shiojiri, M. Chen, M. Signor, L. Velardi, C. Depascali, I. Kuznetsova, L. Blasi, F. Biscaglia, F. Quaranta, L. Francioso, R. Xu, M. Rojo, S. Islam, A. Sud, B. Vareskic, A. Catre, N. Mingo, E. Pop. The aim of the study is to obtain temperature-stable nitride-aluminum ceramic boards that would ensure the temperature stability of measuring amplifiers Summary of the main material. The article presents the results of synthesis and manu-facturing technology of aluminum nitride ceramics. It has been established that the introduc-tion of various additives into the initial mixture increases the toxicity of gaseous emissions, complicates the work, and increases the cost of aluminum nitride. Large-sized parts (60×70×5 mm) with a thermal conductivity of 160 W/(m K) from a temperature-stable ce-ramic composite based on AlN were obtained by free sintering for use in the development of a broadband high-voltage amplifier. It is proved that the most effective removal of oxygen from the crystal lattice of aluminum nitride is achieved at an equivalent ratio of yttrium oxide in the amount of 5%. The effect of yttrium oxide additive on the thermal conductivity of a func-tional composite with a ceramic matrix based on aluminum nitride obtained by free sintering was studied. Conclusions. Based on the studies of the samples and the analysis of the data obtained, it can be argued that the effect of static error can be compensated for by using iterative cor-rection. To use iterative correction, the system must be stable and its parameters must not change over time. A rational method of parameter stabilization is proposed to ensure a com-mon and homogeneous temperature field that will affect all components equally by using highly thermally conductive materials.


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