Analysis of approaches of electronic voting systems implementation


  • Ostapets D.
  • Motylenko V.



electronic voting, homomorphic encryption, blockchain, zero-disclosure evidence, blind signature.


The work examines modern approaches to building electronic voting systems, such as blockchain, which promises to revolutionize the process due to its immutability and decen-tralization properties, as well as traditional cryptographic methods, including homomorphic encryption, which allows vote counting without the need to decrypt each individual vote. Blind signatures ensure the ability to confirm a vote without disclosing the user's identity, and zero-knowledge proofs allow voting without interacting with the server. The goal of the work is to select an approach for building electronic voting systems based on a comparative analy-sis of their key characteristics. The solved tasks include reviewing the requirements, general-ized structures, and main procedures of electronic voting systems; analyzing the existing types of electronic voting systems and their comparative characteristics. During the work, existing systems and other literature were thoroughly analyzed. The article provides a de-tailed analysis of the advantages and limitations of these technologies, as well as their suit-ability for different electoral systems, considering important aspects such as scalability, effi-ciency, and protection against potential threats. Throughout the work, a list of requirements for electronic voting systems was compiled, the main procedures present in electronic voting systems were outlined, a set of actors in typical electronic voting systems was defined, and the generalized structures of their main types were presented. A comparative analysis of the types of electronic voting systems based on compliance with the requirements was conducted. An approach was chosen for further system development.


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