Development of a stand for fire tests of rocket engines


  • Shvets Artem
  • Proroka Vladyslav
  • Dobrodomov Oleksandr
  • Kulyk Oleksii
  • Solntsev Vadym



stand of fire tests of rocket engines, suborbital rocket, development of objects of rocket and space technology, solid fuel rocket engines, liquid rocket engines, rocket accelerators of aircraft, accuracy of measurements, strain gauge, pressure in the combustion chamber.


Fire test stands are the main means of obtaining information about the operating parameters of rocket engines and the required degree of their reliability at the test stage. The main require-ments for fire test stands are convenience and safety in their operation, a high level of accuracy of the obtained experimental data, low cost and availability of structural elements and hardware. The purpose of the work is the development of a universal stand designed for testing solid fuel rocket engines and liquid rocket engines with a thrust of up to 7000 N. These engines can be used as com-ponents of the propulsion system of suborbital launch vehicles of the ultralight and light class, as well as being booster units or accelerators of other types of aircraft. The design of the stand imple-mented by the "Rocketry agency" research team, which meets the stated requirements, is presented. Measures are proposed that, for the given design of the stand, made it possible to significantly re-duce the negative impact of a number of factors on the accuracy of rocket engine thrust measure-ments.


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