Comparative assessment of the technical characteristics of executive mechanisms in well rod pumping unit drives


  • Kharun Viktor
  • Rachkevych Ruslan



beam-pumping unit, mathematical model, analogue of angular velocity, analog of angular acceleration, specifications, transfer functions, torque, sucker rod-pump unit.


Problem statement. The most common type is the mechanical sucker rod-pump units with bal-anced drives, commonly known as pumpjacks [1]. However, the development of new schemes for the executive mechanisms of the sucker rod-pump unit (SRPU) necessitates the selection of techni-cal characteristics that allow for a comparative assessment of new schemes with traditional bal-anced drives. The authors have developed a methodology for selecting the necessary parameters in this research. It has been determined that to compare the technical parameters of SRPU, both tra-ditional (beam) drives and new designs, it is necessary to calculate the transfer functions of the ex-ecutive mechanism and the torque of its crankshaft. The crankshaft torque graph allows for the cal-culation of the torque shape coefficient, using a consistent load pattern for the rod suspension. This way, it is possible to conclude the power consumption of the motor in either the traditional beam drive or the new SRPU drive design.


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