Artificial intelligence applications in military logistic


  • Trofymenko Olena
  • Sokolov Artem
  • Loginova Nataliia
  • Akhmametieva Hanna
  • Chykunov Pavlo



artificial intelligence (AI), AI technologies, military AI, military logistics, risks, machine learning, neural networks.


Huge flows of dynamically changing data about existing logistics processes in the military industry require timely consideration, management, and optimization. Artificial intelligence in military logistics helps to optimize the adoption of quick and effective decisions in the implementation of logistics processes. Logistics during war is key to the success of military operations, as it concerns technical and rear support, transportation of weapons and ammunition, food supply, communications, etc. The search for effective ways to quickly and effectively optimize and minimize the risks of logistical military processes is very relevant. The paper is devoted to the research of the role of AI in the modern transformational development of military logistics as well as analysis of the areas of possible application of AI in this branch, as global military strategies increasingly depend on the reliability and flexibility of supply chain systems. Automated processing and intelligent analysis of a large amount of data help to optimize the solution of supply, transportation, communication, and other logistical problems under the conditions of modern wars. Applying AI and machine learning technologies to supply chain management allows you to examine and organize large data sets to identify and reveal suspicious suppliers. Unmanned vehicles can automate routine logistical tasks (transportation of weapons, personnel, equipment, evacuation of the wounded, delivery of ammunition, water, food, etc.), performing them faster and more efficiently than humans. The implementation of AI technologies in military supply chain management improves the efficiency, security, and flexibility of logistics operations. AI and deep learning enable rapid and comprehensive analysis of large volumes of data, making it easier to spot trends and patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed. The analysis performed showed that the integration of AI algorithms helps not only to optimize processes, but also to increase the security of data and resources, as well as to intensify research in the field of logistics optimization.


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