pulse electrolysis, nonlinear circuits, electrochemical elements, cathode polarization, deposition current, analytical approximation, cubic polynomial.Abstract
The paper proposes a generalized scheme for replacing the electrolyzer for the deposition of metal coatings. As nonlinear elements of the specified scheme, the dependences of the partial currents of metal dissolution and deposition on the near-anode or near-cathode voltage drop are considered, respectively. The possibility of applying certain simplifications in the general scheme, depending on the peculiarities of the deposition process of one or another metal, was also analyzed. At the same time, the general structure of approximating expressions is proposed and the approximation coefficients for individual nonlinear electrochemical elements are determined. The specified expressions differ from the previously known ones in that their structure is suitable for obtaining the general regularities of electromagnetic processes that take place in systems of pulse electrodeposition of metals in an explicit form.
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