Analysis of information technology of satellite monitoring of the development of agricultural crops using fuzzy logic


  • Kavats Olena
  • Kavats Yurii
  • Hyrka Anatolii
  • Kibukevych Julia



satellite monitoring, Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, crop yield, fuzzy logic, radar data, crop development, weather conditions.


Climate change is increasingly affecting agricultural production in European countries, and modern satellite data methods offer practical solutions for monitoring the development of crops and subsequently predicting their yields. Crop production, which is largely dependent on natural re-sources and weather conditions, constantly faces such dangerous phenomena as sharp changes in air temperature and moisture regime during the growing season, which directly affect crop produc-tivity. The article investigates the impact of hydrothermal conditions on the development of agri-cultural plants using satellite monitoring. Data from Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 satellites allow us to identify the peculiarities of plant development in crops and threats to crop productivity. Studies have confirmed that the use of fuzzy logic helps in planning and optimizing crop production in the face of climate change.


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Продовольча та сільськогосподарська організація ООН (ФАО), URL:

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