Mathematical model and general algorithm for solving the problem of processing messages taking into account their value and aging in aircraft systems


  • Boris Moroz
  • Andrii Kruhlyk
  • Dmytro Moroz
  • Andrii Martynenko



mathematical model, aircraft, algorithm, object-oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphism.


According to research, the world's leading countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Japan, etc., are actively engaged in the development of automated and automatic systems based on artifi-cial intelligence (AI) in the military sphere and even already have a roadmap for the integration of unmanned systems in the medium and long term prospects. The purpose of this work is to describe a general algorithm for controlling an aircraft system with using controlled discipline taking into account the value characteristics of messages. In addi-tion, an overview of the existing technical solution for the rational division of the algorithm into modules is offered. In the paper considers a mathematical model of the mass service system, where the messages are characterized not only by limit time of execution, but also by another important characteristic - the value of each individual message in the same type of queue. The authors proposed a definition of the efficiency of message processing by system elements. The authors believe that a such model can be quite relevant with the development of unmanned (aircraft) vehicles in the structure of the armed forces of Ukraine. It is especially relevant and appropriate in conditions of active combat operations, where the real situation is very dynamic and the messages entering to the system have different values within the same period of time. The existing technical solution for the optimal (ra-tional) division of the algorithm into modules is considered. This will allow to parallelize the soft-ware development process, test individual modules and make changes in accordance with the latest technical solutions without the need to change the entire system architecture.


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