Simplified simulation model of load in a closed packet switching network


  • Labutkina T.V.



packet switching network load, communication network node, load flows, event flow, simulation modeling.


An approach to simplified simulation modeling of packet switching network load has been developed. The simulated representation of network processes is based on a simplified mathematical model of the packet switching network, which is based on a dis-cretized description of the load states of the network nodes and corresponds to the repre-sentation of the current state of the network in the tasks of managing its load. Changes in the node's filling state are modeled as a process of reproduction and death, and in the full load model, two factors of change are taken into account: the node's exchange of load with network users and transit load flow passing through it. To study an artificially se-lected "part of the network functioning process" - an approach to transit load modeling in a load-locked network is proposed. The approach allows for significant simplifications and ensures the leveling of the negative impact of simplifications on "load closure" (en-sures the rule of constant amount of load in a closed network). The developed simulation model, firstly, creates the basis for the improvement of the complete model, and secondly, it is convenient for working out routing algorithms when analyzing them from the point of view of indicators of the ability to "influence" the load in the network. The obtained re-sults are generalized, but attention is focused on the example of satellite packet switching networks.


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