Development of the Software System for Managing a Digital Pet ID


  • Solovei I.V.
  • Vorochek O.H.



software system, electronic passport, pets, Django, Python, JavaScript, DBMS, SQLite.


Recent Research and Publications Analysis: The shift towards digital documentation, such as Ukraine's «Diia» for human records, has not yet been fully embraced in pet care, creating a significant service gap. Ukraine, with a high number of household pets, especially approximately 7.63 million cats, highlights the need for a comprehensive digital pet management system. Given the frequent cases of pets getting lost—with low recovery rates—a robust digital system is essential for improving these figures and enhancing pet safety. When designing software, it is important to choose the right technologies for both the web interface and the backend. Django is recommended for the backend because of its «batteries-included» architecture, which provides a comprehensive set of ready-to-use tools that facilitate rapid development and ensure a high level of security. For the inter-face, it is recommended to use JavaScript integrated with frameworks such as React, An-gular or Vue to create dynamic applications that improve the user experience with asyn-chronous requests, allowing the content of the page to be updated without reloading the page. This combination not only provides scalability and security, but also effectively meets the complex needs of web applications. Purpose of the Study. This study aims to develop a software system that facilitates the management of digital pet IDs, which will integrate medical records, vaccination his-tories, and detailed activity logs. This integration aims to streamline pet care, making it more efficient and significantly more convenient for pet owners. Main Material Presentation. The proposed system's architecture will include: – backend. Utilizing Django REST Framework for creating scalable, secure web APIs that handle data operations efficiently; – frontend. Employing JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to provide a responsive and in-teractive user experience. Key Features: – digital passports for pets, verifiable via QR codes; - detailed activity logs that track and display pet movements and behaviors; – comprehensive vaccination records accessible by both pet owners and veterinari-ans; – a lost pet bulletin board that uses geographical data to notify users of nearby lost or found pets. Conclusions.Technologies have been chosen and a software system has been devel-oped for effective management of digital pet IDs, integrating key functions for compre-hensive data management of pets. It utilizes modern technologies to ensure reliable data security, high scalability, and enhanced user interaction, making it a key achievement in the management of digital pet IDs.


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