Analysis of the development of the carbon oxidation reaction of low-carbon steel in a bucket under vacuum
degassing, vacuuming, ladle, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, nonequilibrium reactions.Abstract
The object of research is the process of vacuuming steel in a ladle. The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of approach of degassing reactions to equilibrium and removal rates by articles. Research methods - theoretical studies are based on the basic provisions of physical chemistry and the theory of metallurgical processes, thermodynamic calculations of the non-equilibrium reactions of degassing. Scientific novelty - in vacuum degassing processes, the approximation of the corresponding reactions to equilibrium plays a significant role, in industrial vacuum installations, the equilibrium between carbon and oxygen dissolved in steel is not achieved due to ex-tremely small concentrations of interacting substances, the speed of the chemical reaction decreases so much that it does not allow for processing time to even approach the state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Practical significance - to ensure a high degree of implementation of the deoxidizing ability of carbon in vacuum conditions, it is neces-sary to: apply the main lining of steel pouring ladles; maintain a high basicity of slag and a minimum content of iron oxides in it; mix the melt in the ladle with an inert gas to facilitate the conditions for the nucleation of carbon oxidation reaction products.
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