Innovative approaches in teaching automotive disciplines
road transport, computer modeling, SolidWorks Simulation, Ansys Workbench, methodology.Abstract
For the educational discipline "Modeling of technological processes of road trans-port enterprises" in the SolidWorks Simulation and Ansys Workbench environments, the basic principles and provisions of automated design in the field of computer modeling of units, assemblies and parts of vehicles, as well as devices for their repair (lifts, jacks, stands, puller etc.). Complemented following program results: install specialized soft-ware, information and information-communication technologies to track object models and vehicle processes on automobile transport (AT), operational authorities of AT func-tions, construction engineering and technical and economic developments, development of design documentation and development of other AT tasks; find necessary information in scientific and technical literature, databases and other sources; analyze and evaluate this information; make effective decisions, analyze and compare alternative options tak-ing into account goals and constraints, quality assurance issues, as well as technical, economic, legislative and other aspects; analyze the information obtained as a result of research, generalize, systematize and use it in professional activities; develop and im-plement technological processes, technological equipment and technological equipment, means of automation and mechanization in the process of operation, repair and mainte-nance of JSC facilities, their systems and elements; to analyze the technical-operational and technical-economic indicators of AS means, their systems and elements; apply mathematical and statistical methods for building and researching models of objects and processes of AT, calculating their characteristics, forecasting and solving other complex tasks of AT; to present the results of research and professional activities, to argue one's position. The main attention is paid to the theory and practical use of finite element methods and the acquisition of skills in the design and calculations of AT details. Man-datory elements of research in SolidWorks and practical skills of modeling various load modes of road and special vehicles in Ansys Workbench are defined. In order to extend the service life of structural elements and parts of AT, methods of their restoration and increase in wear resistance are defined.
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