Hardware complex for measuring the power of UHF signals
UHF, вимірювання потужності UHF сигналів, радіо-керовані пристрої.Abstract
The article describes the scheme and construction of a hardware device for measuring the power of UHF radio signals. The developed hardware device can measure the signal strength in the frequency range of 0.8 – 6 GHz. For the research of receiving and transmitting devices, as well as antennas in the UHF bands, expensive equipment is required. This is often what stops research with this wave range. However, if we single out the 0.8-6 GHz range, it is possible to make some devices for evaluating the signal power based on modern microcircuit engineering solutions. Of course, the complex that will be considered in this work will not replace a full-fledged spectrum analyzer or other high-frequency measuring device. However, a qualitative assessment will be possible, it will be possible to assess the changed signal or which antenna transmits the signal more. This indicates that the development of such a complex is an urgent task. A hardware complex has been developed, which consists of 2 units, the UHF signal amplifier on the QPL9547 microcircuit and the demodulating logarithmic amplifier on the AD8319. The results of the research, which were presented in the table. 1 show how the UHF signal strength meter responded to a series of input signals of varying strength. This complex can be used in laboratory studies of the output power of transmitting devices, for qualitative evaluation of antennas or antenna comparisons. Due to the am-plifier at the input, it is possible to study the signal power up to −80 dBm. The described complex also has a fairly moderate price, compared to industrial analogues.
Radio Frequency Transistors: Principles and Practical Applications. Second Edi-tion (EDN Series for Design Engineers) / Norman Dye, Helge Granberg /2001/ ISBN 978-0-7506-7281-8 / DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-7506-7281-8.X5017-6
The VHF/UHF DX Book Radio Society of Great Britain / Roger Blackwell, David But-ler, Geoff Grayer, Günter Hoch, Sam Jewell, John Nelson, Dave Powis, Dave Robinson, IIan White, John Wilkinson / 1995/ ISBN 0 9520468 0 6
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