Analysis of existing architectures for the development of an Information System of Air Quality Assessment


  • Molodets B.V.
  • Bulana T.M.



information system, air quality monitoring, software architecture, SOA, MSA, serverless architecture, monolithic architecture, AWS


Choosing the appropriate architecture is one of the key aspects, when designing any information system or software product. The system architecture determines how compo-nents are organized, how they interact, and the overall structure of the system. The work is devoted to software architectures: serverless architecture, monolithic architecture, microservice architecture, and service-oriented architecture. All of them were compared with each other. The following requirements were defined for the air quality assessment information system:  The architecture should provide modularity, flexibility and faster deployment and development.  Providing integration and communication between different components of the system through services, which facilitates easy expansion.  The possibility of deploying the system in cloud services to ensure scalability, availability and data security.  Dividing the system into logical layers (e.g., data access, business logic, and presentation layers) to ensure ease of development and support. A monolithic architecture can be easier to deploy and scale than distributed sys-tems. Serverless architecture provide huge cost savings for application developers, allow-ing them to pay only for the instances that run their serverless applications. Microser-vices allow for flexible scaling of the system by adding or removing individual services de-pending on the needs. Service-oriented architecture promotes high modularity and con-venient interaction between system components. However the most suitable solution was the service-oriented architecture. That is because service-oriented architecture helps to develop common standards for exchanging data between services, which allows for greater data consistency and management across different parts of the system. Service-oriented architecture can have a lower overall infrastructure complexity (compared to mi-croservice architecture) because the number of services can be lower Managing a smaller number of large services can be easier than managing a large number of small microser-vices that require more attention to detail. To conclude, the usage of service-oriented architectures will create a dynamic and efficient system that can adapt to changing conditions and user requirements.


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