Overview of metrics in evaluating the effectiveness of it projects
метрика програмного забезпечення, вимірювання успіху проекту, ефективність, IT-проекти, оцінкаAbstract
The problem in the mainstream visionary is no single model for evaluating the effectiveness of an IT project. The lack of a single method for evaluating the effectiveness of IT projects significantly complicates the decision-making process on the feasibility of implementing a particular project. The effect determined by different methodologies can vary significantly. Therefore, the problem of the correct selection of the necessary metrics and (or) development of new ones is relevant.
The aim of the article. The purpose of this article is to study various aspects in assessing the effectiveness of an IT project and building a generalized system of interconnected metrics, by which you can monitor the progress of processes in the life cycle of an IT project and evaluate its effectiveness in a timely manner.
The results of the analysis. The article highlights the main indicators in assessing the effectiveness of IT projects. Data collected on modern metrics that are successfully used by major IT companies. The concept of "metric hierarchy" is described, a relation with the hierarchy of BOCR methodology used to performance evaluation is shown.
The review of modern metrics in the IT industry was carried out and the problem of selecting successful metrics was considered, which in total will most fully describe the main aspects of the effectiveness of IT projects.
The proposed metrics for generalized indicators that are successfully used in the practice of IT-companies. Arguments are given regarding the use of the proposed metrics in real management in IT companies.
Conclusions and directions for further research. Monitoring the progress of the life cycle of the IT project as a whole consists of various aspects, one of which is the software component.
Successful IT organizations solve such problems before they become problems, while less successful organizations are taken aback when a business complains about the degradation of their technology. Metrics are the key to actively eliminating symptoms before they become significant problems and develop into a crisis.
The article explores the existing modern metrics, successfully used by leading experts in management, in IT companies. Presented his version of the generalized structure of indicators of the effectiveness of IT projects, according to which it is recommended to build metrics and evaluate the effectiveness of IT projects.
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