Architectural solution for the ddp (diploma defense project) web application to document the examination process
Ruby on Rails, board members, UML diagrams, non-functional requirements, MVC, web service.Abstract
Analysis of recent research and publications. The primary source of information about using Ruby on Rails is the official RoR documentation website. After researching scientific papers and textbooks on architecture, theoretical aspects that should be taken into account when developing web services were collected. Research objective. The aim of this work is to investigate existing architectural solutions for automating the work of the examination committee and to develop an architectural solution for creating a software product based on it to increase efficiency and improve the quality of the defense process. Presentation of the main research material. The main stakeholders were identified - the secretary of the commission, commission members, commission chair, academic supervisor, student undergoing defense procedures. The client-customer is considered the department. A questionnaire was proposed for teachers to determine non-functional requirements. This allowed us to better consider their needs and requirements in project development. Analysis of functional requirements (architecturally significant requirements) has been conducted. The requirements define factors that significantly influence the choice of architectural style and tools. The constraints include financial and resource aspects, as well as technical and organizational constraints, which can impact the volume, speed, and possibility of future project development. For the DDP system, the following technology stack was chosen: Ruby on Rails for backend and frontend; Postgres for the database. Additionally, a domain was purchased on the HOSTIA service - (domain traffic is unlimited, currently valid until 08/22/2025), andplans are in place to purchase database hosting. Github was chosen for version control. The design, class, sequence, activity, entity-relationship diagrams for theDDP system were formed and presented. The defined architecture of the DDP project: - Follows Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. - Components: Models, Views, Controllers, Routing, Database (PostgreSQL), User Interface, Authentication and Authorization System, Testing. Conclusions from this study and prospects for further developments in this direction. The article examines existing solutions for automating the secretary of the commission's workplace, presents the results of developing the general architecture of the DDP project based on Ruby on Rails principles and the MVC pattern. A new architectural solution for a web service to automate the work of the examination commission members is presented.
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