Improving deep learning performance by augmenting training data
neural network, image recognition, satellite images, image processing, data augmentation, artificial intelligence, convolutional neural network, image classification.Abstract
Satellite image recognition is a crucial application of computer vision that has the po-tential to be applied in various fields such as disaster management, agriculture, and urban planning. The objective of this study is to determine the optimal amount of input data required and select the most effective methods of augmentation necessary for training a convolutional neural network (CNN) for satellite image recognition. To achieve this, we perform a series of experiments to investigate the effect of input data quantity on several performance metrics, including model accuracy, convergence, and generalization. Additionally, we explore the impact of various data augmentation techniques, such as rotation, scaling, and flipping, on model performance. The study suggests several strategies for identifying the saturation point and mitigating the effects of overtraining, in-cluding early stopping and dropout regularization. The findings from this study can significantly contribute to the development of more ef-ficient satellite recognition models. Furthermore, they can help improve the performance of existing models, in addition to providing guidance for future research. The study emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting input data and augmentation methods to achieve optimal performance in CNNs, which is fundamental in advancing the field of computer vision. In addition to the above, the study investigates the potential of transfer learning by pre-training the model on a related dataset and fine-tuning it on the satellite imagery dataset. This approach can reduce the amount of required data and training time and increase model performance. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the optimal amount of input data and augmentation techniques for training CNNs for satellite image recognition, and its findings can guide future research in this area.
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