Automated models of visual information processing
image processing, pattern recognition, object detection, machine learning, image classification, feature extraction.Abstract
The article presents a study devoted to the development and research of an automated model of visual information processing. The goal of the research was to create a comprehen-sive model capable of automatically processing and analyzing various forms of visual data, such as images and videos. The model is developed on the basis of a combined approach that combines various algorithms and methods of visual information processing. The literature review conducted within the scope of this study allowed us to study the existing methods and algorithms for visual information processing. Various image processing approaches were analyzed, including segmentation, pattern recognition, object classification and detection, video analysis, and other aspects. As a result of the review, the advantages and limitations of each approach were identified, as well as the areas of their application were determined. The developed model showed high accuracy and efficiency in visual data processing. It can suc-cessfully cope with the tasks of segmentation, recognition and classification of objects, as well as video analysis. The results of the study confirmed the superiority of the proposed model. Potential applications of the automated model are considered, such as medicine, robotics, security, and many others. However, limitations of the model such as computational resource requirements and quality of input data are also noted. Further development of this research can be aimed at optimizing the model, adapting it to specific tasks and expanding its func-tionality. In general, the study confirms the importance of automated models of visual infor-mation processing and its important place in modern technologies. The results of the research can be useful for the development of new systems based on visual data processing and con-tribute to progress in the field of computer vision and artificial intelligence.
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