Methods of increasing the level efficiency of automated systems
automated systems, efficiency, process optimization, monitoring, scalability, iterability.Abstract
Automated systems play a key role in the modern world, ensuring efficiency and auto-mation of various processes. However, with the constant development of technology and the increasing complexity of tasks, continuous improvement and efficiency of these systems is re-quired. This article explores methods that can improve the efficiency of automated systems. Various aspects are analyzed, such as optimization of work, improvement of productivity, re-duction of task execution time, reduction of errors, and increase of accuracy. The main goal of the article is to focus on the methodologies for increasing the level of efficiency. The table shows the methodologies with a description of their advantages, disadvantages, and areas of application. In addition, additional parameters such as the degree of automation, the degree of system flexibility, and the level of autonomy are proposed. The article also proposes a new algorithm for improving the efficiency of automated systems. The algorithm is based on the use of modern technologies and approaches, such as data analysis and process optimization. The proposed algorithm has the potential to improve the efficiency of automated systems and can be adapted many times over. The research represents a significant contribution to the field of improving the efficiency of automated systems. The algorithm can be useful for re-searchers, engineers, automation professionals, and managers interested in improving and optimizing their systems.
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