Global near-earth space coverage by zones of the use of its observation devices: concept and algorithms
continuous coverage of the area of space with zones in the form of cones, areas of application of surveillance devices, Orbital-based surveillance devices, satellite systems for observing orbital objects, space vehicles, orbital groups of different heightsAbstract
The results of the study are presented within the framework of the task of ensuring full coverage of a given area of heights above the Earth's surface (the area of space between two spheres with a common center at the center of the Earth) by instantaneous zones of possible application of orbital-based surveillance devices located on spacecraft in orbital groups of different heights in circular orbits. In the general case, the solution of the problem involves the use of several orbital groupings of different heights on circular quasi-polar orbits, which in the simplified statement of the problem are assumed to be polar. The instantaneous zone of possible application of the surveillance device is simplified in the form of a cone. The cases of using observation devices "up" (above the plane of the instantaneous local horizon of the spacecraft, which is the carrier of the observation device) and observations "down" (below this plane) are considered. The concept of solving the problem is proposed, which is based on the selection (based on the development of methods of applying known algorithms) of such a structure of each orbital grouping, which will ensure continuous coverage of a part of the given observation space (area of guaranteed observation), the boundaries of which are moved away from the location of observation devices, and then - filling the space with these areas. The work is devoted to the space theme, but by generalizing the statement of the prob-lem, varying a number of conditions of this statement and changing the "scale" of the input data, it is possible to arrive at a variety of technical problems where the proposed concept and algorithms used in its implementation will be appropriate and acceptable (in part or in full). In particular, when some surveillance systems or systems of complex application of technical operations devices are created.
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