Research of the efficiency of computing services management platforms in the organization of fog computing
fog computing, utility, docker, docker container, docker swarm, horizontal scaling, container, platform, Internet of Things.Abstract
The work is devoted to studying the effectiveness of computing service management platforms in the organization of Fog Computing. As part of the work, the effectiveness of container orchestration platforms with the Fog computing organization is being studied. During the research, it is necessary to complete the following tasks: 1) select literature, scientific publications and Internet articles necessary for the research; 2) inspect container orchestration platforms; 3) determine the key requirements and criteria for conducting the study; 4) design and implement an automatic testing utility; 5) conduct a study of the effec-tiveness of container orchestration platforms with the organization of fog computing; 6) ana-lyze the results obtained and draw related conclusions. Deployment of Docker containers is organized. Docker Swarm is used to create a clus-ter. The problems of measuring the following parameters are solved: deployment time of one container, deployment time of a group of containers, response time of the horizontal zoom task, transmission delay time. The analysis of the obtained test results is carried out.
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