Simulation modeling of systems with a complex stochastic data processing process using colored Petri nets
Simulation, simulation model, colored Petri nets, stochastic process, CPN Tools, application processing center.Abstract
The article considers the process of building simulation models of systems with stochastic data processing based on colored Petri nets. A formal description of models based on colored Petri nets is presented. For simulation modeling of data processing tasks, the use of temporal Petri nets is substantiated, which allows to define and describe in detail the time intervals of the simulated process. The algorithm for building simulation models based on colored Petri nets is presented. The peculiarities of the use of temporal Petri nets in the construction of simulation models with complex stochastic data processing processes are determined. Special functions are used to assign random values. A list of functions with their detailed description and ranges of permissible values for input parameters is provided. As an example, the construction of a simulation model of the work process of the application processing center of a commercial firm is considered. The model was built in the CPN Tools environment. System parameters, variables, functions and model parameters are defined and investigated. The method of accumulating information in positions was used to accumulate statistics on the results of the models. The analysis of the results of simulation modeling of the work process of the application processing center of a commercial firm is presented.
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