Justification of technological modes for the formation of a stable single track at a thickness of a 30-μm layer of INCONEL 718 alloy
selective laser melting, single track, parameters, nomogram, Inconel 718.Abstract
In selective laser melting (hereinafter - SLP), a single layer is created from a set of single tracks. The influence of the characteristics of the melt bath on the quality of con-struction of three-dimensional parts from various materials has been widely studied. Thus, finding the optimal scan speed is a trade-off between performance and quality of the build process. For certain printing factors (each material/equipment/part) it is nec-essary to find this optimum and this is one of the possible ways to improve the structure. The material used in this study was metal powder with a particle size of 10 to 45 μm. Chemical composition of INCONEL 718 powder in % by mass: Cr=17.79; Ni=53.5; Mo=3.12; Mo = 3.01; Ti=0.85; Nb=5.12. In this work, single tracks were created on a base platform made of the same material. At the same time, the power was changed in the range of 100...150 W in steps of 10 W, and the speed - in the range of 1300...3500 mm/s in steps of 100 mm/s. A total of 108 printing modes of single tracks, located at a distance of 1.5...2 mm from each other, were investigated. The thickness of the layer used in the experiments is 30 μm. A nomogram of printing parameters of single tracks made of INCONEL 718 alloy with a layer thickness of 30 microns was constructed. From the analysis of the nomogram, it was established that at the selected powers and scan-ning speeds of 1800...3400 mm/s, a stable track is formed, and when the speed is re-duced, spattering and remelting of the base metal is formed. It should be noted that samples with an overlap of 0.05 and 0.06 form an unstable, discontinuous track with droplet formation when the scanning speed is increased. The range of rational energy density of 37...41 J/mm3 was established for the construction of parts from the Inconel 718 alloy with a layer thickness of 30 μm.
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