high-temperature gas-dynamic processes, thermophysical properties, approximation, multi-parameter approximation, data matchingAbstract
For the numerical study of high-temperature gas-dynamic processes, approximating dependences of the thermophysical properties of air on temperature are proposed. The approximation error averaged over the temperature series does not exceed 0.87%. Air at high temperatures in terms of molecular transport properties is quite close to other loose multicomponent partially dissociated and ionized gas mixtures, such as products of rocket fuel combustion in a rocket engine nozzle. The advantage of the approach to the development of approximating dependences of the physical properties of high-temperature gases is the possibility of their use in multifunctional software packages for numerical simulation and engineering analysis. The approximating dependences of thermo physical properties were used to study by means of the ANSYS software package the processes occurring in the nozzles of rocket engines. The physical characteristics of the air, calculated according to the proposed dependences, ensured that the polytropic index corresponded to the data on the combustion products of a real rocket engine. A mechanism is proposed for matching data from different sources due to the deterioration of the approximation in the vicinity of the boundary. The use of the technique for well-consistent data is acceptable and does not lead to a noticeable decrease in the approximation quality near the boundary. An approach is proposed for approximating multiparameter dependencies.
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