Safety of critical infrastructure objects from the positions of risk effectiveness reduction
protection and security systems, security risk assessment systemsAbstract
In the Ukrainian standards of general risk assessment, according to analogues within ISO, safety aspects are mainly informative. Therefore, both the quality of risk as-sessment and the reduction of its negative consequences (risk effectiveness) depend on the proper use of methods and techniques. that is why in order to prevent unauthorized physical and information access, ie any damage and interference with loss of confiden-tiality, integrity, accessibility, observation, authenticity and reliability of both official information of the organization and the integrity of the production system of the organi-zation with their facilityes of obtaining, processing and storing information, it is neces-sary to make the correct choice of risk assessment method and further ensure the proper implementation of protection in accordance with the reduction of risk effectiveness. The purpose of the work is to substantiate and analyze the proposed structural and linguistic scheme of the methodology of construction of the System of protection and safety of critical infrastructure objects (CIO) from the standpoint of risk effectiveness. From the point of view of reduction of hypothetical negative consequences from risks for regular of CIO the conditions for potential risk criteria are given and the Sys-tem of risk assessment of the security of the set of critical infrastructure objects (SCIO) is considered with access to it, which includes subsystems of: the Ukrainian standards of general risk assessment, declared methods of general risk assessment; assessment of se-curity losses according to confidentiality, integrity, accessibility, observation, authen-ticity, reliability and stability of protection boundaries; filtering of these risks and sup-porting decision-making on access control to SCIO. The advisability of the increased obligations concerning reliability and safety of measuring instruments is proved in order to strict requirements for cybersecurity risk assessment in terms of realization the prin-ciple of uncertainty while ensuring the metrological reliability of measurements.
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