Adaptive tools for formation of the knowledge base of information and analytical system of training scientific staff


  • M. L. Rostoka



Information-Analytical System, Training of Scientific Staff, Knowledge Base, Tools, Adaptability, Semantic Network, Ontological Approach, Expert System, Digitalization


The author emphasizes the urgency of preserving the integrity of the scientific and educational process for the training of highly qualified personnel in higher education universities and research institutions. It is noted that the consequences of force majeure, including quarantine from the COVID-19 pandemic and the current martial law in Ukraine, cause some adjustments in the organization of training of scientific staff. In this regard, it is likely that the problem of creating a fundamentally new information-analytical system (IAS), which in this vector will include a specific knowledge base fol-lowing the requests of research users – subjects of scientific training. Thus, the article aims to present the results of the doctoral research, in particular on the intermediate content analysis of scientific, information and reference, educational and methodologi-cal and other literature sources and practice-oriented resources on the development of information technology and systems and their adaptive transfer, which will contribute to the accumulation of analytical information and its digitization. Emphasis is placed on the rationality of creation and use of intelligent IAS based on the formed specific knowledge bases using semantic technologies and ontological modelling. This is due to the existence of a large amount of diverse analytical information, based on which the issues of any research, which in the context of training is a mandatory component of sci-entific and educational activities of applicants for scientific education (undergraduates, graduate and doctoral researchers, etc.). It is claimed that a modern researcher will be able to master modern tools and expert technologies of information and analytical ac-tivities. A brief description of the adaptive tools with which the formation of a specific knowledge base in the IAS of training of scientific staff is presented. It is noted that se-mantic and ontological approaches are the most effective in this regard for building in-formation systems, in particular those related to the development of information-analytical competence of applicants for scientific education.


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