Functional dependences between indicators of mechanical properties and tin-aluminum bronze chemical composition


  • T.V. Kimstach
  • K.I. Uzlov
  • S.I. Repiakh
  • L.I. Solonenko
  • I.O. Osipenko



bronze, mechanical properties, alloying elements, functional dependencies, complex in-dicator


Problem statement. Statistically significant relationships establishing between cast tin-aluminum bronze properties, as well as between bronze properties and its chemical composition will predict the level of its mechanical properties when poured into dry sand-sodium-silicate mold. Purpose. Functional relationships determination between mechanical properties of tin-aluminum bronze with tin and aluminum content of up to 6% each. Material and methods. Alloys for investigation have been prepared by melting of technical purity primary charge materials in crucible induction furnace using graphite crucible and charcoal as coating material. Studied alloys mechanical proper-ties have been calculated based on experimental samples tests results during their static expansion and impact bending at room temperature in accordance with actual stand-ards. Alloys chemical composition control has been carried out using precision analyzer EXPERT 4L on samples cut from club-shaped samples. Relationships between mechani-cal properties indicators, as well as mechanical properties and alloys chemical compo-sition have been built using EXEL computer program. Results and discussion. According to Cu-Sn-Al alloys examination results, functional dependences between mechanical properties and Sn and Al content from 1 to 6% by weight of each have been established. This makes it possible to predict mechanical properties level according to chemical composition of such bronze during casting. Conclusions. For the first time, relationships between cast tin-aluminum bronze mechanical properties have been established. This is at the stage of Cu-Sn-Al system bronze designing, with tin and aluminum up to 6% each content, allows predicting its mechanical properties level when pouring bronze in dry sand-sodium-silicate mold.


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