Automated system for regulating the thermal parameters of cord heat treatment furnaces with optimization of the gas-to-air ratio at a certain value


  • V. Ignatkin
  • M. Gorbiychuk
  • V. Dudnikov
  • O. Yushkevich
  • V. Bolonny
  • V. Tikhonov



thermal parameters, algorithm, control system, piecewise linear approximation, gas-air ratio


The system of automation which allows to control autonomous use of gas with preserva-tion of quality of technological process is resulted. The given algorithm, corresponding programs, technical means of automation system carry out regulation of air expenses at any values of quantity of fuel (gas). The gas-to-air ratio is determined experimentally from the analysis of exhaust gases for a specific type of furnace. The control algorithm is implemented using a microprocessor controller, and includes: PID control - law (proportional-integral-differential), linearization, which processes the input values of gas and air and reduces measurement errors of flow sensors and especially in the initial part of the sensor range; piecewise linear approximation, which allows: to implement the specified dependence of the ratios, flexibility and the ability to adjust and change the parameters of the control circuits, which adapts the control system to specific production conditions. The controllers can be configured both at the lower level of the distributed ACS TP and communicate with the upper level through the digital serial communication channel, and used as a stand-alone device. The meter of the measured and calculated parameters of the corresponding physical quantities displays them on the matrix board of its front panel. A computer with a printer located on the panel shop is connected to the meters. Devel-oped programs that implement control algorithms written in Delphi 3.0 using BDE (Bor-landDatabaseEnqine). Technological programs and a set of documentation for the operation of the system have also been developed. The system is focused on daily work in conjunction with meter gauges. Instrument read-ings are taken at intervals of one to one hundred and twenty minutes, depending on the settings made on the front panel. Information from the meters is stored in the database "Infoterm.db", as well as in the archival database "Archive.db". Moreover, the database "Infoterm.db" is released from the data every day before the launch of system programs. The technological program for heat meters is made on the basis of preliminary calcula-tions of measuring diaphragms from the manufacturer with observance of metrological and technological conditions (metrological certification, etc.). If necessary, the software is configured.


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