Calculation of the sizes of the overflow part of ingots from steels 40ХЛ and Х12МЛ at application of gas-dynamic influence and electroslag heating
combined technology of gas-dynamic impact and electroslag heating, ebb, casting, ingot, calculation, nomogramAbstract
The results of analytical research on the use of methods for calculating the size of inflows of cylindrical casts from steels 40ХЛ and Х12МЛ weighing 200 - 16000 kg and a diameter of 0.25 - 0.7 m, hardening in metal form (mold) in electroslag heating of the melt and creating atmospheric gas pressure in the overflow part. Schemes of construction of the corresponding device and realization of technology are resulted. The use of the refrigerator design in the form of a metal housing with an insert of refractory material, graphite electrodes and a flux insert, which works on the principle of floating filling insert in the combined technology of gas-dynamic impact and electroslag heating, allows more efficient use of melt casting ingot by keeping the metal in a liquid state throughout the curing time of the main mass of the casting (ingot), thereby reducing the amount of melt required to feed the shrinkage and, accordingly, the mass of the overflow. This is especially true for alloy products that contain high-cost base components and / or alloys. It is also an urgent task to be able to determine the size of a particular filling when using technology for castings of different weights and sizes in the most convenient way without the implementation of cumbersome calculation schemes. It is shown that the peculiarity of determining the size of overflows of castings made using combined technology is to take into account changes in the size of the insert of refractory material (especially wall thickness), which occupies a certain share of the overflow part of the cast or ingot, which, in turn, will change the size of the filling. Calculations and nomograms for determining the height of the filling by its diameter and the mass of casts at the ratios of the diameters of the casting and filling 0.6, 0.65 and 0.7.
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