Study of the combined variant of determination of attacks using neural network technologies
attack, category, class, perceptron, neuro-fuzzy network, self-organizing Kohonen map, combined variant, quality parametersAbstract
The modern world is impossible to imagine without computer networks: both local and global; therefore, the issue of network security is becoming increasingly topical. Currently, methods of detecting attacks can be strengthened by using neural networks, which confirms the relevance of the topic. The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of the quality parameters of network attacks using a combined variant consisting of different neural networks. As research methods used: neural network; multilayer perceptron; Kohonen's self-organizing map. The software implementation of the Kohonen self-organizing map is carried out in Python with a wide range of modern standard tools, creation of a multilayer perceptron and a fuzzy network - using Neural Network Toolbox packages, and Fuzzy Logic Toolbox system MatLAB. On the created neural networks separately and on their combined variant researches of parameters of quality of definition of network attacks are carried out. It was determined that the error of the first kind was 11%, 4%, 10% and 0%, the error of the second kind - 7%, 6%, 9% and 6% on the fuzzy network, multilayer perceptron, self-organizing Kohonen map and their combined version, respectively, which proves the feasibility of using the combined option.
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