Expert system of formation of integrated individual curricula in the system of continuous training of specialists


  • Svitlana Serhiivna Lanska



безперервна освіта, експертна система, нечітка логіка


Today, there are many integrated educational complexes that contain academic institutions of different levels and implement educational training programs from elementary vocational to higher education.
The paper covers the problems of continuing education. It is proposed to solve the problem of selecting the content of integrated curricula by building an expert system. The structured expert system of educational information allows you to create individual curricula for each student in the shortened terms of training.
Summing up, it can be concluded that the use of an expert system both for monitoring the educational process and for developing integrated individual curricula has several advantages. First, over time, the system will expand on the level of compliance of competencies from both related specialties and other areas of knowledge. Secondly, it is possible to create working curricula for training areas without re-engaging experts from different subject areas. Thirdly, the system can be easily retrained in accordance with the new requirements for the preparation of integrated plans.


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