
  • Dmytro Moroz



multiprocessor computing system, acceleration, efficiency, computing network loading coefficient, computing nodes


The paper is devoted to the approach development related to methodology definition for evaluation of the modular multiprocessor computing systems efficiency. At the same time, the main attention is focused on the impact peculiarities on this network interface value. The formation analysis of the multiprocessor system network interface architecture and the basic modes of its operation have been analyzed. To evaluate the processes occurring in the system during the information flows transmission, the network system bandwidth and the switch throughput were compared; which allowed determining the preconditions for optimal components selection of the multiprocessor computing system network interface. The performed researches also allowed deducing analytical relations for determining the optimal number of system nodes with different functioning modes. The selected processors coherency coefficient, network interface and value of the computing area are deduced. The derived analytical relationships also showed that the optimal number of blades in a multiprocessor computing system, that provide its highest speed, decreases with increasing computing power of the processors included. It is shown that the network data interchange among the multiprocessor computing system nodes the more likely to impede the overall computation process; the less time will be spent directly on solving a specific problem.


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