Mathematical model of sulfide inclusions distribution in carbon steel casting under gas-dynamic influence on a melt hardening in a chill mold


  • Tatjana Selivyorstova
  • Vadim Selivyorstov
  • Anton Guda



сульфиды, дефекты, математическая модель, сталь, 35 Л, сечение отливки, режимы, газо-динамическое воздействие


The results of digital images analysis of sulfur prints of templates of steel castings 35L obtained by chill casting according to traditional technology and using gas dynamic effects are presented. A mathematical model is proposed to assess the influence of technological regimes on the number and size of sulfide inclusions.
The analysis of digital images of sulfur prints of templates of steel castings 35L, obtained by the traditional technology of casting in a chill mold, and under various modes of gas-dynamic influence: the maximum pressure in the casting-device for gas input at the level of 1, 2, 3 MPa and increase speed argon pressure - 0.04, 0.08, 0.12 MPa/s, respectively. Digital images of sulfur prints were processed using the developed software module of the computer program "ASImprints".
It has been established that the distribution of sulfide inclusions for fragments of images of sulfuric prints of the templates of castings obtained both by traditional technology and by applying gas-dynamic effects is most accurately described by a power function. In this case, the reliability of the approximation (R2) is at the level of 0.89 - 0.95.
The correlation analysis of the probability density function of the power-law distribution obtained for each of the considered fragments of the selected casting cross-section zones showed the statistical homogeneity of the fragments belonging to one zone and the possibility of conducting a quantitative analysis of the area of the digital image of the sulfur print in its fragment.
Mathematical models have been obtained that make it possible to interpolate the values of the power-law distribution parameters and, thereby, make a forecast of the distribution of sulfide inclusions in selected zones of the cross section of this cylindrical casting that hardens in an uncooled chill mold under a given regime of gas-dynamic impact.


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