Technological inheritability of properties for providing of quality parameters of part during it manufacturing


  • Yaroslav Kusyi



якість, життєвий цикл виробу, експлуатаційні характеристики, технологічний процес, технологічне середовище, технологічне успадковування, пошкоджуваність, заготовка


One of the priority tasks of modern mechanical engineering industry is to improve the quality of parts and machines, to provide their operational condition and reliability parameters. The solution of this problem is achieved by controlling the manufacturing process of the parts and machines assembly with providing the specified technical requirements. Object-oriented technological processes with step-by-step execution of interconnected stages of parts manufacturing are not effective for modern mechanical engineering industry. The development of scientific and applied foundations of technological inheritability of quality parameters for providing the operational characteristics of parts in the design of functionally oriented technologies is relevant for the systematic maintenance of the Life Cycle of a Part. The prohibitive failures of parts, which related with their manufacturing process, have been analyzed. The aim of this research is to develop a principal scheme for the formation of quality parameters of part with predict of the probability of its failure in manufacturing, taking into account the technological inheritability of properties. The basic scheme forming of the quality parameters of machine parts is developed. The mathematical expression is proposed to predict the probability of non-rejection of the parts P(t) suitabled for further exploitation, taking into account the technological inheritance. Methods for assessing the damageability of the blanks manufactured by pressure treatment and casting have been considered. The developed mathematical model makes it possible to predict the probability of invisible machine-building products P (t), which are suitable for further use, taking into account the structure of the technological process and the technological inheritance of properties. Further research is related with optimization of technological processes structure of parts manufacturing taking into account technological inheritability with rational combination of blank operations, rough machining, semi-rough machining, finish machining, finishing and finishing-hardening operations.


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