Simulation of tensions distribution that works in destruction of rocks in crushers with contact friction


  • Mykola Malich



горная порода, разрушение, напряжения, моделирование, дробилки, контактное трени


Studies of stress distribution, acting during the destruction of solid materials in the zone of contact with the armor plates in jaw crushers with complex movement of the jaw and cones in cone crushers are made.
Analysis of plots of the stress distribution in the contact zone leads to the following conclusion. With the increase of the tangential load, the zone of the material compression decreases, in the contact zone the distribution depth of the most tense point with the shear stresses decreases and with the increase of shear stress it approaches the surface of contact. There is considerable coverage of tensile and shear stresses, which are the decisive factor in the destruction in terms of the so-called sliding compression.
The influence of the force directions of the contact friction during the compression efficiency of destruction of rock mass. When the complex movement of the jaws it is moved not only in a radial but in a tangential direction along the force of friction. That is a bad work of the friction force on the tangential displacement "eats" a considerable part of the effect of moving the compression and leads to increased wear of the lining compared with a simple movement jaws in the radial direction. However, the proven practice of exploiting the performance advantages of crushers with complex movement of the jaws confirms the usefulness and correctness of the developed mathematical models of the influence of friction characteristics on fracture.
The stress state of the rock in cone crushers also matches the model of more efficient sliding compression. Thus, there is no harmful the work of the friction forces in cone crushers, and their action only increases the efficiency of destruction.
The mathematical model of the mechanism of stress distribution with consideration of external friction allows to control the efficiency of the destruction process in appropriate engineering calculations of jaw and cone crushers.


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