The analysis of the cybersecurity problems of mail systems operating in the presence of modern spam traffic


  • Viktoriia Hnatushenko
  • Oleg Pevzner
  • Olga Blat



діджиталізація, електронна пошта, спам, трафік, кібербезпека, фільтр спаму, поштовий кладж, log-файл


The last researches and publications analysis. The world globalization and comprehensive digitalization of society create conditions for further increase of interest in the electronic communications problems. Cyber threats from spam traffic, which is reaching a truly huge scale today, are one of such problems. It has been considered by various scientists for more than 20 years and still remains relevant due to the rapid evolutionary spam changes in the global information space and the significant criminalization of spam sending technologies. The problems of spam threats have different aspects: technical, economic, legal, etc. so they should be investigated in a comprehensive way. Equally comprehensive should be measures to reduce the negative impact of spam on human activity.
The aim of the research. The purpose of the authors' research is to provide the detailed system analysis of cyber security issues that threaten the modern mail system operating under continuous spam attacks.
The main research material. Based on the authoritative data of the world analytical centers, the authors analyzed the general structure and features of modern spam traffic. Various aspects of spam counteracting are considered and the ways of prospective research are targeted. The own laboratory mail system has been created and its relevance to the global spam traffic has been proven. Using this system, the proper experiments with spam on our own mail traffic were performed and the necessary measurements were made. The obtained results correlate well with other known research centers data. The proposed system is planned to be used for further research in the field of mathematical modeling and development of algorithms for spam linguistic recognition and its blocking according to these algorithms.
Conclusions. By this article the authors start the work series aimed at comprehensive research into modern spam and cyber threats that accompanies its sending. The authors are actively seeking further effective methods and algorithms for spam risk reducing.


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