The service model of a heterogeneous distributed database for software system scaling


  • Andriukhanov I.
  • Korotyeyeva T.



distributed DBMS, database cluster, OLTP, ACID, JSON, geospatial data, horizontal scaling, database performance.


The article explores the topicality of horizontal scaling for software systems that re-quire the use of database management systems (DBMS) to process large volumes of structured, JSON, and geospatial data, while maintaining requirements for ACID proper-ties and data integrity. An analysis of existing products is conducted, outlining their main advantages, disadvantages and identifying issues such as single points of failure, techni-cal limitations, and lack of support for necessary functionality. To solve these issues, a service model of a heterogeneous distributed database is developed, providing a descrip-tion of its characteristics and architecture. Using Kubernetes technology, performance metrics of the database cluster based on the developed model are investigated, demon-strating superior performance compared to the products discussed.


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