Formation of the DLYA groups of use of a method of mutual training


  • Irina Vdovychenko



метод взаємного навчання, студенти, навчальний процес, дослідження, соціометричний метод


Analysis of the last researches and publications. Within the last decades collective ways of training are used that embodied experience of the Ukrainian teachers - V.K. Dyachenko and O. G. of a ryvin. V.V. Kotova's researches, G.A. Zuckerman, O.G. Yaroshenko and others gave the significant contribution to development of the general principles of the organization of group and collective work. The ideas of mutually training gain more and more distribution at the systems of training of the different countries of the world because open opportunities for cooperation, communication, promote achievement of the highest results of assimilation of knowledge and abilities.
Research objective. Paying attention methodical material, subject of tasks, helpers for mutual training, educational dialogue, mutual the analysis of answers and actions, to discussion of tasks, in our opinion, unfairly not enough attention is paid an image formation of the working groups for mutually training. To investigate dependences of success of training on various ways of formation of groups, according to us, the problem ripened.
Statements of the main material of a research. Influence on student's groups for a mutual learning, except progress and abilities of students, it is necessary to consider also their psychological compatibility, rate of digestion of material, temperament other. Characteristic indicators which influence formation of groups are analysed.
For a research of influence of an image of formation of the working groups on results of mutually training made a scientific experiment. In work it is offered a way of formation of groups of crews. 2 schemes of formation of groups were offered. Each of schemes studied on different algorithms. For the correct selection of students in groups it is offered to use a sots_ometrichny method.
Conclusions. As showed an experiment, crews of various structure demand different approach. After calculation of the general sociometric indicator, it is possible to draw a conclusion about social and psychological compatibility of members of the group. Crews are correctly created will provide effective use of a method of mutually training.


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