Analysis of swarm intelligence algorithms


  • Kupin A.I.
  • Kosei M.P.



artificial intelligence, intelligent agent, multi-agent systems, swarm intelligence, swarm intelligence optimization algorithms.


This paper conducts a comprehensive review of swarm intelligence algorithms, highlighting the significant potential and development prospects of multi-agent systems and swarm intelligence. It underscores the ongoing research activity in this field and the continuous expansion of application areas. By examining various studies and publica-tions, the paper concludes the importance of integrating approaches from different scien-tific disciplines to tackle diverse and complex problems using swarm intelligence. Future research is aimed at providing a more detailed analysis and comparison of various swarm intelligence algorithms across different application domains, as well as exploring their integration with other artificial intelligence methods. This work points towards the growing relevance of swarm intelligence in solving real-world problems, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness across multiple sectors, including military, agriculture, search and rescue, and environmental monitoring.


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