Information technologies of management decisions supporting in the rolled metal manufacturing


  • Ziborov I.K.



information technology, information support, decision support, evolutionary algorithm, classification, forecasting, optimization, activity diagram.


The purpose of the study is the development of information technology to support management decisions in the processes of charging, deoxidation and mechanical proper-ties forecasting of rolled metallurgy finished products, based on the hybrid evolutionary method of multi-criteria optimization. The information technology basis for management decisions supporting in rolling production is the integrated decision support system (DSS) for the management of multi-stage rolling production. The DSS approaches are described in detail in [14]. The pro-posed information technology includes range of tasks to optimize charge, ferroalloys us-age, and the mechanical properties of finished products forecasting model. The optimal solutions of defined problems are considered to be real number vectors in the result of the HIPSO method applying, which describe parameters in accordance with the mathemati-cal model of the problem. The functions of information technology, respectively, should consist of the determination, storage, and transfer of mathematical models of problems, as well as receiving, processing and storage of data being the output of appropriate opti-mization problem or solution result. The information technology was validated on the example of decisions made by the operator of the converter shop of PLC "DMZ" in Dnipro during 2018 - 2019 (12,039 melt-ing) to produce six steel grades. At the considered meltings, the cost of steel, obtained by applying information technology, decreased in comparison to calculated charging according to the traditional method, by 2.4-2.5% while performing large orders; by 3-4% - while producing small ones. The economic effect at least at the stage of charging of the information technology implementation could be at least at the stage of charging from 904 to 1,413 thousand UAH per month for two-shift work. The implementation of the proposed information technology to support manage-ment decisions during the deoxidation of steel and establish the dependence between me-chanical properties and finished products on the chemical composition of the heated steel in the oxygen converter allows to significantly increase the physical correspondence of the models to the processes. At the same time, the applied penalty function on the dimension of the approximation polynomial enabled to obtain the models of optimal complexity through self-organization. The economic effect of saving ferroalloys (in 2021 prices) on 4,013 melting of the test sample amounted to UAH 4.626 million, which provides monthly savings at the level of UAH 578.18 thousand, annual savings of about UAH 6.938 million.


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