Analysis of methods for assessing the degree of water pollution


  • Kavats Olena
  • Kavats Yurii
  • Dibrii Danylo



water bodies, reservoirs, satellite monitoring, pollution assessment, environmental load, remote sensing methods, machine learning, validation, Landsat 8.


The most important modern methods for the monitoring of water bodies, their state of pollution and the assessment of water quality are considered. Commonly accepted, standard-ized methods for assessing water quality in water bodies include ground-based sampling, which is untimely and expensive under certain conditions. Best suited for practical use in large areas is the remote approach, which combines ground and satellite measurements to classify changes and detect pollution in closed water bodies. Satellite monitoring is a reliable tool for obtaining operational information on the state of water bodies and their changes with a certain periodicity, thanks to the use of a large set of heterogeneous data. And the availabil-ity of archived data becomes a significant advantage, opening up the possibility of comparing the results obtained and analyzing the factors influencing the state of water bodies and the environment. The paper describes the main methods and datasets that can be used for the ap-plication of remote monitoring methods based on machine learning. The use of Landsat mul-tispectral sensors, including TM (Thematic Mapper), MSS (Multispectral Scanner), ETM (Enhanced Thematic Mapper), and OLI (Operational Land Imager), is proposed as the main data set. Examples of the application of the remote sensing approach to the assessment of wa-ter pollution over large areas will be analyzed. Possible machine learning methods for solv-ing an applied problem are presented.


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