Minimization of interstand tension on continuous grade rolling mills by armature currents of electric drives of roll mill stands


  • Potap Oleg
  • Kuvaiev Volodymyr
  • Boyko Oleg
  • Rybalchenko Maria
  • Shybakinskyi Volodymyr
  • Potap Мykhailo



continuous bar rolling, minimization of rolling tension, prediction of current of the free rolling, current regulation, computer simulation modeling.


In the conditions of continuous rolling of graded profiles with no or too little metal deflection between adjacent rolling cages, the most promising is tension regulation based on information about the armature currents of the main electric drives. The effectiveness of the method of minimizing the tension of graded rolled products based on information about the armature currents of the main electric drives was investigated. The method is based on the hypothesis of the constant ratio of the armature current of the drive of the next cage to the armature current of the drive of the previous cage in the free rolling mode. The method involves predicting the free-rolling current in rolling electric drives based on information about the free-rolling current in the electric drives of previous cages. The study is based on a complex model of the process of continuous bar rolling in four finishing cages of a small-grade mill with individual electric drives equipped with subordinate speed control systems. Given the fundamental impossibility of approbation of the proposed method by the methods of an industrial experiment, verification of its operability requires computer simulation modeling. The created computer model allows for adequate simulation of the operation of the control system in the conditions of rolling in a continuous group of cages with an accuracy that is sufficient for conclusions about the effectiveness of its operation. According to the results of the study of the control system by means of computer simulation, the effectiveness of its work was proven, in particular, the reduction of the specific tension in all intercell spaces of the finishing group of roll stands to an acceptable level of 10 N/mm2 and a significant narrowing of the range of changes in the width of the finished rolled product.


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