Evaluation of efficiency of the automated control system of metrological maintenance of measuring instruments - as informatic information


  • V.U. Ihnatkin
  • Yu.S. Khomosh
  • V.S. Dudnikov
  • O.P. Yushkevych
  • V.A. Tikhonov




reactivity of the system; simulation modeling; Poisson's law; system throughput; economic efficiency; profit; payback period


As an assessment of the effectiveness of the dialog system of collective use, on the example of the system of automated control of metrological maintenance of measuring equipment (SACMMME), the ratio of the average reactivity of the system to the average cost per request is used. The ratio of the average reactivity of the target system to the average cost per request (C) is studied. Under the reactivity is the value inverse of the time of the request in the system. The flow of queries in the system obeys the Poisson distribution law. The method of simulation modeling is chosen for research. Obtained: time dependences (C) between two adjacent queries; the dependence of the cost of one request on the intensity of requests; the dependence of the cost of one request on the bandwidth of the system, etc. Increasing the efficiency of shared dialogue systems is possible through a fuller load of more information system power. The selected evaluation criterion shows which margin in the system bandwidth is excessive. The results of calculations of economic efficiency from the introduction of SACMMME at several enterprises and research institutes are given. In the general case, the methods of determining the economic efficiency of ACS for different purposes differ in the composition of the elements of disorder (loss) and the degree of influence of the information used on the state of the managed system. The main criterion for assessing the economic efficiency of ACS development is the growth of profits of industrial enterprises, taking into account the growth of productivity of social labor, ie. mainly by reducing production costs. The annual savings from the introduction of ACS and the payback period of additional capital investments are used as a quantitative expression of the economic efficiency of ACS creation.


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