Features of teaching the course of study "Software tools for creating server web applications"


  • N. Matveeva




server web applications, PHP language, AJAX technology, MySQL, information security, usability, SEO


Modern technologies for creating and maintaining web applications are focused on platforms that allow you to effectively manage the content and data coming from visitors. One of the popular technologies for creating web pages with code snippets running on a server is PHP (Personal Home Pages). This technology is based on the use of CGI applica-tions that interpret embedded HTML page code in a scripting language. The main feature of the PHP language is its practicality. PHP provides the programmer with a tool to quickly and efficiently solve problems. It is characterized by exceptional flexibility to the needs of the de-veloper. When teaching the course of study "Software tools for creating server-side web applica-tions" the main attention is paid to the study of PHP language. Students are also introduced to the SQL language and the MySQL database management system. A separate topic is the study of AJAX technology. The AJAX-based approach allows you to increase the intensity of data exchange between the user and the server application, thereby reducing server downtime and, most importantly, improve the friendliness of the interface. Due to the asynchronous interaction of the interface with the server part, the user opens up new facets of convenience. Several lectures are devoted to the basics of information security. Web application in-formation security threats (cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, CRLF attack, XXE, CSRF, DDoS attack), ways to prevent the above threats; search for web resource vulnerabilities, security analysis tools web applications. During the lectures, attention is paid to the correct structure of sites, taking into account the principles of SEO and the basic principles of Usability - a qualitative assessment of the sim-plicity and comfort of working with the site. Thus, the educational course "Software tools for creating server web-applications" is designed to teach students to develop their own sites and web-applications and use them in professional activities. Prospects for further improvement of teaching the course of study we see in the supplemented with modern material on web-technologies that are developing rapidly.


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AJAX and PHP [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https:// www.3wschools.com

