Simulation modeling of a computer system multithreaded architecture using AnyLogic


  • A. Gnilenko



simulation, computer system, multithreading


The simulation is the most effective way to investigate information processing in computer systems. Computer system simulation is advantageous due to the fact, that such class of systems are well formalized in the form of queuing systems. Any computer system can be considered in terms of queuing system theory as an interconnected set of requests for service, system re-sources, queues to resources, and rules of service. The problem with the study of computer systems is that the existing simulation software tools have been developed as universal tools for the study of general-purpose systems. There are no specialized libraries or separate modeling tools for the study of computer systems. Therefore, modeling computer systems based on the use of standard libraries of such a modern modeling tool as AnyLogic, and the possible creation of elements of a specialized library is of great importance. The objective of the paper is to model multithreaded computing in a multiprocessor computer system using AnyLogic software. The designed computer system diagram enables us to have a deep insight into all details of information processing, and the obtained characteris-tics of the computer system, such as CPU usage coefficients, queue dynamics, distribution of thread execution time in the system, etc., allow us to determine the most effective configuration of the system, the parameters of its elements and operation modes.


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