
  • Oksana Liashenko
  • Natalia Dorosh


Ключові слова:

NoSQL, Wakanda, Graph Databases, Document Databases, MongoDB


The paper presents an overview of some technologies of software development based on non-relational databases. It is emphasized that nowadays more and more data are generated to be stored and processed in real time. In addition, the nature of these data is often increasingly unstructured or poorly structured. This causes a niche of problems when applying traditional approaches to building databases that are integrated into software systems. At the same time, NoSQL databases provide a mechanism for storing and retrieving data that are organized in a different way than the usual relational approach. The motivation for this approach is the simplicity of architecture, horizontal scaling, and accessibility control. The growing interest to non-relational databases is represented by a review of some publications.


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Malіnіna V.O., Liashenko O.A. Osoblivostі vikoristannja nereljacіjnoї bazi danih na osnovі grafovoї modelі danih [Features of using non-relational database based on graph model of data]. Тezi dopovіdej ІX Mіzhnarodnoї naukovo-tehnіchnoї konferencії studentіv, aspіrantіv ta molodih vchenih "Hіmіja ta suchasnі tehnologії". [Abstracts of 9th Int. Sci.-Techn. Conf of students, graduate students and young scientists "Chemistry and modern technologies"]. Dnіpro, 2019, vol. ІV, pp. 28-29, available at: Google Scholar.

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Solodka N.O., Polіshhuk Eu.O., Liashenko O.A. Vikoristannja grafovoї ta reljacіjnoї modelej danih pri rozrobcі ekspertnih sistem [Using the Graph Database Model and the Relational Model while Developing Expert Systems], Visnuk of Kherson National Technical University, vol. 4, no. 67, pp. 246–251, October 2018, available at: Google Scholar.

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Liashenko O.A., Konashkov O.O., Solodka N.O. Sravnitel`ny`j analiz vy`polneniya zaprosov k serveram baz danny`kh MYSQL i MONGODB [Comparative analysis of queries execution for MYSQL and MONODB database servers], Visnuk of Kherson National Technical University, vol. 4, no. 71, pp. 114–124, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.35546/kntu2078-4481.2019.4.13

Liashenko O.A., Litvinov S.N., Solodka N.O. Analiz proizvoditel`nosti baz danny`kh POSTGRESQL/POSTGIS i MONGODB dlya geoprostranstvenny`kh zaprosov [POSTGRESQL / POSTGIS and MONGODB database performance analysis for geospatial queries], Visnuk of Kremenchuk National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky, vol. 6, no. 119, pp. 60–67, 2019, doi: 10.30929/1995-0519.2019.6.60-67





