Формування груп для використання методу взаємного навчання
Ключові слова:
It is presented in article a method of mutual training. Reasonably expediency of its introduction because development and deployment of an image of mutual training is one of solutions of problems of increase in efficiency of training of specialists. Such form of education gives the chance to work collectively, at the same time forms independence of thinking, develops the speech, removes stress, develops individual abilities of students, at the same time increasing quality of knowledge and abilities.
It is noted that way of formation of group of students for a method of mutual training not enough attention is paid. Characteristic indicators which influence formation of groups are analysed.
In work results of an experiment on formation of schemes of interaction of students in crews of mutually training are presented. For the correct selection of students in groups it is offered to use a sots_ometrichny method. It is considered formulas and schemes.
2. Stenin A. A. The automated training systems (the analysis and synthesis). Scientific monograph. — Luhansk: VUNU, 2000. — 109 pages.
3. Barannik N.S., Gorbatyuk V. F. Mutual training as modification of pair training. /N. Barannik, V. Gorbatyuk. //Basic researches. 2012. No 6-2. Page 350 354.