Автоматизований комплекс моніторингу енергоносіїв на Дніпровському коксохімічному заводі


  • Alexander Zaslavsky
  • Stanislav Protsenko
  • Viktor Tkachov



Ключові слова:



Digital integrated monitoring of all types of energy sources with the use of expert systems for the analysis of their mutual correlations and forecasting provides in the large industrial enterprise efficient use of energy resources, identification of the main sources of losses, reduction of overconsumption, optimization of the distribution of purchased and manufactured energy sources. However, the introduction of such systems is constrained by the relatively high cost of specialized cost calculators, technical means for creating branched data networks and the lack of efficient algorithms for expert analysis of material and energy flows. The paper presents data on the innovative project of the energy monitoring system, features of its software and technical implementation. The principles and an example of construction of a system of monitoring of energy flows are considered. The system is intended for control of parameters and technical accounting of expenses of various energy carriers, including, gases, compressed air, liquids, steam, electricity.


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