Клапан штангового свердловинного насоса
Ключові слова:
During the operation of a rod well pump on the curved section of the well there are failures of its valve assembly caused by their unilateral wear. Accordingly, the lifetime of standard valve assembly designs is short. To extend it, it is proposed to change the design of the valve assembly using a guide rod for the valve ball. The proposed modernization of the valve assembly will also have a positive effect on the operation of the pump as a whole, since the shape of the ball will accelerate its landing on the saddle. Simulation modeling of the upgraded valve design of the well pump makes it possible to state that the value of its hydraulic resistance is less than in the standard design.
1 Livak I.D., Kontsur I.F., Shostakivskyi I.I. Osnovy naftohazovoi spravy. – Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUNH, 2014. – 432 p.
2 Grudz V. Ya., Naslednikov S. V. Metodologiya razrabotki matematicheskoy modeli dlya issledovaniya konstruktsiy stanka-kachalki pri dobyiche uglevodorodnyih soedineniy. Sistemyi. Metodyi. Tehnologii. 2014. No 1 (21). p. 51-56
2 Grudz V. Ya., Naslednikov S. V. Metodologiya razrabotki matematicheskoy modeli dlya issledovaniya konstruktsiy stanka-kachalki pri dobyiche uglevodorodnyih soedineniy. Sistemyi. Metodyi. Tehnologii. 2014. No 1 (21). p. 51-56